Mini Tuts: How to Write Rainbow-colored Text using CSS

Today one of my clients requested me to apply rainbow-color effects to her site’s title. This was a rather first-of-its-own-kind request, and this is when I use a CSS snippet to achieve the end result, that is, having the site title turn rainbow.

The code is simple. First, let’s apply a css class to the heading tag. In this example, I will use a class called ‘rainbow’ and add the code to it. The code will be as follows:

.rainbow {
background-image: linear-gradient(to left, violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red); 
-webkit-background-clip: text; 
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; }

You can add this snippet to your website’s style.css file or to your WordPress website using the Additional CSS section in the Customizer. Here’s an example of a rainbow-colored h2 tag – a quote by Morgan Freeman:

“I hate the word homophobia. It’s not a phobia. You’re not scared. You’re an arsehole.”

That’s it for today!

Signing off,

The Designer Genie

Mini Tuts: How to Quickly Create White Logo using CSS

It happens seldom with me that I stumble upon a website project where I have to add a white logo to the header or footer. Now, it isn’t always that the representative can provide me with the same in an instance, and this is when I use a CSS snippet to achieve the end result, that is, having a logo turn white.

The code is simple. First, copy the CSS class of the image. In this example, I will use class called ‘whiteimage’ and add the code to it. The code will be as follows:

.whiteimage {
filter: brightness(0) invert(1);

You can add this snippet your website’s style.css file or to your WordPress website using the Additional CSS section in the Customizer. Here’s an example (try opening the logo in a new tab – it’s actually black!):

That’s it for today!

Signing off,

The Designer Genie

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